Hi Lew,
Have you mounted your FR-64s tonearm yet?
I don't remember hearing your opinion?
Have you mounted your FR-64s tonearm yet?
I don't remember hearing your opinion?
To those with multiple tables/arms/cartridges
Anyway he uses one system to listen to instrumental jazz, another for classical, and a third for vocals.I've heard this before.......and also the Hesson method of 'bright' and 'warm' cartridges balancing 'warm' and bright' LPs. These don't seem to work that well for me as after I have decided that a 'full-bodied' cartridge like say the Fidelity Research FR-6SE is great for my 'bright' sounding LPs......when I switch to a more neutral cartridge directly after listening to this combination........I hear nuances that escaped the previous cartridge and re-listen to that 'bright' LP all over again. I think that really good cartridges (and arms) are better than just 'tone-controls'. They give one the ability to discover differences in presentation without changing speakers, amplification or rooms? Then again there are folk who have different rooms, speakers and systems :-) |
I need to confess that the only carts which are 'promoted' from the bedroom to the living room are LOMC's. I hope you can forgive me such a kind of deviation ?Dear Nikola, Of course you're forgiven :-) I still enjoy the Dyna XV-1s and the Fidelity Research FR-7f and the ZYX UNIverse on both my tables in a multitude of arms. There's just something that MM cartridges like the Signet TK-7LCa, the AT13Ea/155Lc Mongrel that the Professor(Timeltel) invented and the Garrott P77/JicoSAS do that no LOMC cartridge I have heard can match? |
I view my multiple tables, tonearms, cartridges like Kurosowa viewed reality in Rashamon: a matter of perspective, each one compelling on its own terms. Part of the fun is working with the various combinations until they realize their own coherency, they're own flawed perfection, their own best character. Then they speak on their own terms and I'm convinced by their narratives.So beautifully put Wrm57. I think the mistake is to believe that there is one 'right' presentation to audio? As Suteetat so aptly points out........there is no one 'right' presentation to 'live' music? I would like the ability to switch in a valve preamp and/or amp to replace the solid state ones in my system from time to time? I would like the ability to move in some electrostatic speakers or horns from time to time to replace my dynamic ones? But these substitutions are rather impractical for me and many others I presume? The differences in 'presentation' these substitutions make on the same source material.......lead to an enlightenment or deeper appreciation of the possibilities in this wonderful hobby of ours. With but one cartridge and tonearm......we must accept the benefits and beauty but at the same time....the limitations and deficiencies. Much as we do with our wives or partners :-) A collection of cartridges may be somewhat analogous to keeping a harem? |
Dear Nikola, Of course you are right. Of the 30+ cartridges I own......my 'favourites' rise to the top and there is little play time for those 'lesser' samples. So....like you.....I will sell off eventually, many of those which add little to my appreciation of my vinyl collection. That will still leave me with over a dozen or so wonderful, wonderful cartridges. And think of the extended life given to the styli when their playtimes are evenly distributed? :-) |
I don't believe any of us who enjoys multiple turntables/arms/cartridges has equated that with 'audiophilia'.....nor has any of them here, proclaimed this peccadillo as a means to 'superior sound'? The only one who has brought this into discussion is Syntax who I think is being slightly self deprecating if you view his published 'system'? To reach the Nirvana of : The most impressive Systems I listened to in the last 15 yearsHe only has to sell 2 of his 3 turntables, 2 of his 3 phono-stages, 2 of his 3 amps, 2 of his 3 arms plus his 2 extra armwands and 7 of his 8 cartridges? Perhaps that is what he meant by I am working on it still...:-) |
If I were limited to only one arm.....I too would choose the FR-66s. A better arm for low-compliance LOMC cartridges I have never heard. And it is also nearly as good with high-compliance MM/MI cartridges. However...the Continuum Copperhead is slightly better with MMs whilst the SAEC WE-8000/ST can also be amazing with some MMs. Having read your passionate descriptions of the Lyras (particularly the Titan i and Olympos)...and also seeing your collection of FR-7 cartridges.....you must forgive me for being sceptical about your intent to "start some ads"? Can you post some more shots of the Apolyt turntable Syntax? This one looks very impressive? |
Suteetat, My Model 120 was a Grotrian Steinweg from the 1920s (voted the greatest upright ever made) and was indeed a beautiful sounding instrument. I seems indeed that we have much in common. Now tell me that you drive a 1963 Porsche 356 like this and we'll be blood brothers? :-) |
And when a 8k cartridge is absolutely inferior in comparison to a 2k cartridge, then there are only 2 ways: To deny that, or to think about that.This is what I also found. When a 21st century $4,000 or $5,000 or $10,000 dollar LOMC is outperformed by a 20th century $1,500 LOMC......I shake my head. And when a 30 year old vintage MM cartridge can be better than ALL of them.....I simply wonder at the gullibility of audiophiles world-wide. There are fortunately, some amongst us....like the Professor (Timeltel)....who has the knowledge to 'philosophically' INVENT a new cartridge? A 'Franken-cartridge' whereby he takes the body of a vintage MM like the AT-13Ea....and by modifying the stylus assembly of the AT-155Lc....he melds the two together to produce a cartridge for a few hundred dollars which just sounds amazing! Yet so few will ever hear one? |
Hi Don, Thanks for the kind words :-) Here is a different view of the TT-81 and here is another. Yes....I still have the wood moulds that the foundry made from my design drawings. How the wood doesn't catch fire with the molten bronze I don't understand? In any case.....the wood moulds are quite light (less than a kilo)...and here and here are the resulting armpods in rough and finished states. I wish you luck in finding your Victor turntable. The TT-81 is not so difficult to find...and is very good. The TT-101....in good working order....is almost a mythical creature. Just ask Banquo and Lewm? :-( |
Don, To see how to post 'actual pictures' on A'Gon.....click on the 'markup tags' at the bottom of the 'Your response' box. The picture you want to post can't just be directly from your computer library. It needs a Web address (ie...its own url). To give it one....you need to upload your computer photos to a photo-sharing Website like Picassa or many others. They are free. However it's still a little tricky to follow the system to get them on this Forum? I've been trying to teach Thuchan for 3 years now.....but even he has given up? :-) Regards Henry |
I realised of course....that the bronze casting was in sand, and that the 'positive' wood moulds I had.....were for creating the 'negative' moulds in the sand. Here is a video of the casting process which is very interesting. Machining was not required for my pods as they were filled, sanded and painted in an automotive shop. |
Dear Thuchan, In the age of modern computing loading images should be a user friendly one step approach directly from the computer, everything else is somehow like working at stone age.I couldn't agree with you more. Instead of all the young Turks spending their time developing mobile Apps for the chance of striking it rich?........if some of them could work out a 1 or 2 button way to upload photos from your computer directly to a site like this Forum......we'd all be better off? |
As Thuchan, Manitunc and Nandric have mentioned....... There are several issues and methods possible for the use of arms to compare various cartridges? Manitunc correctly states that one turntable fitted with two or more identical arms...is the most valid way to compare different cartridges whilst Nandric points out that using an arm with interchangeable headshells....allows for the same result albeit a few minutes delay for the changing of shells, VTA and VTF. Thuchan points out the difficulty of changing cartridges on arms with 'fixed' headshells.....and I can identify with him in cursing the Copperhead arm as THE most difficult example of these I have ever experienced. Having said that.......the Copperhead (and Cobra) arm is also the greatest sounding arm with the widest variety of cartridges (especially MMs) I have ever heard. So the answer for me and Thuchan.....is to decide on which cartridge to 'weld' onto the Copperhead and Cobra arms....and leave them there for a loooong time :-) On the face of it.....Manitunc's solution of having 2 identical arms on the one turntable appears ideal, yet one of the vagaries of turntable-based playback, is that different cartridges perform better in different arms. So hearing differences between cartridges in Manitunc's scenario....may be nothing more than a 'matching' issue? To avoid some of these issues, I have found just over the last 3 years.......that having many tonearms, most with interchangeable headshells....mounted on two dissimilar (but good) turntables.....allows for a really good evaluation of arm and cartridge differences. But the salient message that both Manitunc and Nandric posit.....is that the aural memory is simply not good enough to retain the really subtle minutiae of these differences over a time delay of even an hour? Most of us think we do retain this expertise yet those who have multiple arms and cartridges will be the first to admit that we really don't? |
Dear Lew, "The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain". Which is why I don't think I can go back to one turntable, even though I was satisfied with one turntable all my life until 4-5 years ago. You may as well ask Casanova why he needed so many women.I think he's got it?...I really think he's got it! |
Dear Lew, As this Thread is about turntables, arms and cartridges......pretty much anything analogue is relevant :-) What great news about your procurement of the TT-101 Clock ICs. Perhaps your tenacity will allow you to be the saviour of many of the 'non-working' TT-101s in existence? Can't wait for the progress reports? |
Well you're all spoilt little 'girls'......... I have 6 arms on 2 turntables with all their phono-cables (colour-coded) lying behind my phono-stage. To unplug the cables from one arm and plug in those of another takes all of 15 seconds. Flick a switch for MM/MC.....another switch for 3 stages of gain.....adjust loading and capacitance for MM only.......and I'm set in less than 30 seconds :-) |
Thuchan is a very special 'collector' of all things 'audio'.....but particularly analogue and specifically tonearms and cartridges. He has acquired a full series of Toho armtubes and has had a special Axiom tonearm made to accommodate these arm-tubes. This is really a one-off design which no other person in the world will be able to replicate. So no-one will be able to argue with Thuchan that he doesn't have the very best? But then again......on-one will be able to say very much at all? :-) Except that.....he is one very lucky audiophile! |
I have always used an active MM and MC stage (all built-in) with my separate preamps and have read in the Forums and magazines about the Pros and Cons of using SUTs for LOMC cartridges instead. Usually......there are just so many varying results and opinions and it all seemed to be specific-cartridge dependent.....so my impressions were that SUTs were generally not worth the effort unless you really knew what you were doing? Recently......a friend (who had heard my system)....lent me the Kondo KSL SF-Z SUT for a try-out. The results were truly astonishing with my 3 LOMCs (Dynavector XV-1s, Fidelity Research FR-7f/Lc and ZYX UNIverse) all sounding purer, richer, more transparent and ultimately more enjoyable than directly through the Halcro DM10 Active LOMC Input. It's no secret that I have preferred the sounds of high-compliance MM cartridges in my system over the last few years.......but this will now force some new 'play-offs' over the coming weeks. Oh......and I bought the Kondo from my friend. He has 'golden' ears :-) |
Dear Nikola, I too was scared about the 'complexity' and 'matching' issues that I had read about regarding SUTs.......but Thuchan advised me to just "try" :-) You know I also have 3 LOMCs (actually 4...I have 2 UNIverses)......the Dyna XV-1s, the ZYX and the FR-7f/Lc and each one is different to the other......however they ALL matched perfectly with the Kondo KSL SF-Z and Halcro MM Phonostage. If you have a chance for a home trial of one.......I'd strongly advise it. However....the fact that Herr Scheafer is not 'strong' on MMs leads me to think that his MM Phonostage is possibly not good enough......and that may well be the reason you are not hearing the best sounds from yours? |