To tweet or not...

Happy Holidays to the Audiogon community!  I’ve been researching super tweeters of late and am wondering what your thoughts are on the device.  I currently have a 3.1 system with MartinLogan 11As, A ML Theater center and a powered Sunfire sub.  Driving them with Benchmark AHB2s and a Pioneer SC-57 as a pre/pro for now. 

Would a super tweeter be a beneficial addition?  If so, can you recommend any specific brands/models?  Thanks! 

I can’t comment on your specific system but adding a super tweeter is not as simple as you might think. To do it right, you will need to make sure the super tweeter has similar or very close sensitivity; dB/1m/1w, so the volume matches the panel’s output. You may also need to build a simple crossover network so the frequencies don’t interfere. I tried adding a super tweeter to my single driver full range back-horn loaded speakers but I had hell of a time finding the right brand/model and getting them to blend well.
I hope more experienced speaker builders will chime in with better guidance.
I, too, have been intrigued by the super tweeter addition. I know Townshend Audio makes one. If I were to do it, I would contact the manufacturer and give them all the details to see if it will work before buying.
Kalali's post has me thinking this addition may not be as easy as they purport. And, I know he has a lot of experience with building speakers.
