Lots of opinions and advice here. For what you're looking to achieve dancole probably has the best advice as to what you are looking to achieve. Vinyl recordings will sound better than their digital counterparts and digital will best vinyl as well. So many variables depending on the quality of the recording on each media.
As far as budget goes, there is almost no end to dollars to be spent on vinyl equipment. Every component in the chain has an important function. But, you have a budget in mind. The best advice I could offer is to take what you consider a few of your best vinyls to an audio shop that deals in new and used turntables that may fit your budget. That's a pretty tall order because even if you find a table to audition that sounds good to you, it may not sound as well when you get it home on your system. Or maybe it will sound better?
Best of luck in your search. I have extensive collections of vinyl and digital music. Both are satisfying. Vinyl will always be my favorite. Not as convenient as digital but some recordings sound better. Audition equipment as much as possible.
As far as budget goes, there is almost no end to dollars to be spent on vinyl equipment. Every component in the chain has an important function. But, you have a budget in mind. The best advice I could offer is to take what you consider a few of your best vinyls to an audio shop that deals in new and used turntables that may fit your budget. That's a pretty tall order because even if you find a table to audition that sounds good to you, it may not sound as well when you get it home on your system. Or maybe it will sound better?
Best of luck in your search. I have extensive collections of vinyl and digital music. Both are satisfying. Vinyl will always be my favorite. Not as convenient as digital but some recordings sound better. Audition equipment as much as possible.