Tone arm plug in RCA cable?

I have a tone arm with a connector that plugs into the bottom of the arm to get the L/R channels from the stereo cart. 

There are currently going into a Sumiko Premire PIB 1 box on the side of the deck… The RCAs going to the phono stage are then combing off of that “break out” box.

So a handful of suggestions of phono lines to come off the table would be great to have.

Or do I just get some thin silver wire and twist up some, as they only need to be maybe 10” long (if even that long),


Showing 6 responses by lewm

SAEC, the company known for tonearms, has been out of the business during most of the most modern era of obsessive copper wire-naming and the wild claims associated with that practice.

Holm-zie baby, Your options have been stated over and over again.  They range from (1) changing the wire between the DIN plug and the box, which was your original question to (2) changing the wires and then experimenting with different ICs to find out what ICs between box and phono stage sound best to you (Dover's idea). Then you could purchase a DIN to RCA IC to replace the box.  To (3) ditch the box and just buy a good quality DIN to RCA IC to go from tonearm to phono stage.  There are no other possible answers, no matter how many audiophile websites you may query.  Choose one and good luck.

Raul and Mijostyn do have a point; the thread got stupid when we started going round and round over the same limited number of choices. That is in part because you have acted like none of the responses are helpful, enough. If you want a different response, ask a different question.

Pindac, You wrote, "If the OP wants to replace the Cable used for the PIB - 1, the method when used will add one more set of connections and disruption in the signal path."  I beg to differ.  He is already using the box, so changing the wires between the DIN plug and the box will not add physical connectors in the signal path. That will not change.  However, by eliminating the box interface, then he can reduce the existing number of physical connections in the signal path.

I gather you have strong opinions on what kind of wire sounds best.  So do many of us, but I think getting rid of the box is the main thing,

Yes, but what I and others are saying is he is better off getting rid of the box entirely.  Just go DIN at the arm base to RCA at the phono stage, which can very easily be achieved and would cost no more than buying RCA to RCA conventional interconnects, wire quality notwithstanding.  If Holmz has a "mini-DIN" connection at the tonearm (suggested by Elliot), which I have never seen, then I am still pretty confident the same idea can be made to work.  I do realize that buying a whole new DIN to RCA IC is going to cost more than just replacing that short run of wire from the DIN plug to the box, but I believe it's a worthy use of $$$.  Otherwise, yes, use "better wire" of choice between DIN and box.  There is some soldering skill and knowledge of what goes where needed to re-wire a DIN plug; paying someone else to do it would negate the cost savings of keeping the box.

Talk to AntiCables. They can make any cable with any plug you want even assuming the OP has a miniDIN, whatever that is. It is always beneficial to reduce the number of physical connections in the signal path, noise or no noise.

What they’re trying to tell you is you don’t need the bleeding box at all. The 5-pin plug that you shove into the base of your tonearm is called a DIN plug. You can buy a single pair of cables with a DIN plug at one end, terminating both channels. Each of the two cables emanating from the DIN will terminate at their other ends in RCAs which you plug into your phono stage directly.