Tone arm plug in RCA cable?

I have a tone arm with a connector that plugs into the bottom of the arm to get the L/R channels from the stereo cart. 

There are currently going into a Sumiko Premire PIB 1 box on the side of the deck… The RCAs going to the phono stage are then combing off of that “break out” box.

So a handful of suggestions of phono lines to come off the table would be great to have.

Or do I just get some thin silver wire and twist up some, as they only need to be maybe 10” long (if even that long),



I have a similar problem as the OP. I have a older Sota tt with the PIB block and the DIN plug and wire looks a little long in the tooth, not to mention dated. I am using a older Purist Audio Aqueous Aerious phono cable, RCA to RCA connected to the PIB and phono pre. I don't believe this to be the best connection to my Sota tt. What would you recommend? 

Holm-zie baby, Your options have been stated over and over again.  They range from (1) changing the wire between the DIN plug and the box, which was your original question to (2) changing the wires and then experimenting with different ICs to find out what ICs between box and phono stage sound best to you (Dover's idea). Then you could purchase a DIN to RCA IC to replace the box.  To (3) ditch the box and just buy a good quality DIN to RCA IC to go from tonearm to phono stage.  There are no other possible answers, no matter how many audiophile websites you may query.  Choose one and good luck.

Raul and Mijostyn do have a point; the thread got stupid when we started going round and round over the same limited number of choices. That is in part because you have acted like none of the responses are helpful, enough. If you want a different response, ask a different question.

@holmz I am a regular forum visitor and contributor to a selection of posts on the analogue section, your inquiry has been welcome and has also encouraged another forum visitor to make their own inquiry on a similar situation.

Your use of this device is not stupid, and any suggestion that promotes the idea that to assist you with your inquiry as being stupid is not helpful to your inquiry.

Valuable Lessons are learnt from experiences encountered in HiFi, maybe the use of the intermediate box in the Signal Path is one that you are yet to assess and evaluate for its impact on the Sound Quality that is being produced.

Maybe this thread is a stimulus to trial the options suggested and select the one that is the most attractive to you.

Either way, the choices you are contemplating working with or are to make, along with the inquiry of this thread are not stupid.

I have seen a few contributions that are food for thought as the inquisitiveness grows.