tonearm match ZYX Universe Moerch and Triplanar

I decided to take a much bigger analog plunge

I'm working with Mehran on a tonearm for a Zyx Universe
between the Moerch DP6 and Triplanar VII. Mehran is really great - a true audiophile gentleman.

the precise dial in setup of the triplanar interested me (particularly because I am a relative neophyte at this) but it's a bit more expense.

I currently have a Nottingham Spacedeck which I'll eventually upgrade from but the Moerch drops directly into the Spacedeck mount and others here tell me the Notts match well with the Moerch.

Can anyone commment on the synergy of these two with the Universe? later flexibility with other tables? any other helpful jewels of knowledge would be greatly appreciated (I don't want to limit myself like with the Spacedeck).

My listening preferences lean more toward correct tonal balance and engaging dynamics over ultra hi resolution. I listen to a lot of jazz, acoustic and rock music.


The front end is coming togehtr. The ZYX Artisian, triplanar and loricraft arrived yesterday
The Universe is in the mail (thanks Mehran).

I can't wait to get the triplanar setup - but it's not a drop in with the Nott, so I'll wait. These come very nicely packaged and are quite stunning arms.

I'm leaning towards the Galidier Gavia table which will be a few months - so I'll set up the cartridge on my spacearm in the mean time. I may even mount a Shure 15 on my arm before I venture to the more costly ZYX - just for good practice. I have a Feikert protractor to dial things in with.

Hey Tom, you prepare yourself really perfectly. Btw., Feickert, the Protractor man has his own Turntable ready for the Market. Stay tuned.

You are certainly moving ahead quickly. Congrats on what I know will be an extremely satisfying analog front end!

after three weeks of having the Universe setup on the spacedeck with the ZYX Artisian phono pre I've been really pleased with the performance - I do hear some limitations and the setup is not yet ideal

I can hear some noise elements in low level passages and can't wait to get the Galibier Gavia and install my triplanar tonearm and really dial things in. I've really am enjoying vinyl - no casual listening sessions - it's too engaging for that.

The Loricraft has been a must have and really extracts the most out of the records with mostly dead quiet backgrounds. I can't wait till I catch up - I have too many new finds coming in and my older collection as well, so the number of records I've cleaned is only in the 50-70 lp range.

I'm considering a Neuance platform for my target wall mount shelf. Has anyone went down this route?


I think you'll be out of the optimum weight range of the Neuance shelf if you're considering placing the Gavia on it (or the Target wall mount shelf for that matter). IIRC, the weight limit for the Neuance shelf is around 35-40 lbs - the Gavia is almost 3x that. Think massive reinforcement or serious bracing if you plan on using the Gavia as a wall mount - sheet rock toggle bolts or plastic anchors aren't going to cut it. Nice setup - analog bliss is nearly at hand!
