I'm glad this guy did the math to determine if he can live long enough to listen to everything he owns. He can't. We all should do that math. 
I’ve done the math as well , no way I can even come close .
Given away 3 decent systems but almost impossible to give away Classical in
a Rock world .
Wow.  Great essay.  Thanks for posting the link.
Sometimes less is more and sometimes more is less.

"I had nothing in common with people for whom music was merely an entertaining distraction from real life rather than a way of life itself."

Don't have it as bad but good to know there are others out there... (good, maybe).
I went to the record store with a neighbor at lunchtime today. On the way I told him I was going to quit going to the record store so often. He agreed with me, that he had too much music already. We both left the record store with small stacks and headed home not listen to our new acquisitions.