Top 10 Alt-country bands

Attached is an URL for an interesting article in the Dallas paper about the Alt-country sub-genre. I really like most of these bands. If you don't dance to the Gourds, you don't have a spine. I would add Alejandro Escovedo and Steve Earle to this group. Any other alt-country artists of note?
Thanks for all the responses. There are some great referrals in here. I think that this genre is hard to accurately define. I really enjoy old Marshall Tucker. Jolene and Jupiter Coyote are also excellent bands from the 90's. Chuck Prophet and Green on Red are fantastic. While they are countrified, I don't necessarily place them in the Alt-country world. Maybe alt-country is the catch all category carrying over the California sound of the Byrds when bands don't fit perfectly into rock and roll. Regardless of genre, there is some great original stuff here. I have ordered HGM and the Volebeats so far.
Junior Brown is sensational, maybe more "retro" than "alt."
Heybale is also quite good. Amanda Pearcy's second CD, "Royal Street" is very good and worth checking out.
These are all local Austin people and that's all I know much about lately.
This list from the "ahem", dallas observer (The 10 Greatest Alt-Country Bands Ever) is a joke and no better than the "gazillion" that come before it. Just do a search on OPs title on the inter webs.

With the exception of UT/Wilco/Son Volt, the rest in this lame duck three legged dog list should not even be on one titled: "Greatest Alt-Country Bands Ever"

This a a HUGELY populated style of music today - thanks in no small part to folks like the Flying Burrito Brothers; The Byrds; The Band et al.

Maybe I should put one together so we can all just move on and get over the self important hey look at me I can name bands I don't listen to or have their records but I think are "Greatest Alt-Country Bands Ever...."

Nah, it aint worth it.
Noted, the reason people have posted for a favorite band, if it belongs on the best ever list or not, is to make others aware of a band they might not know about, so they can pick up that bands music, not to actually ARGUE.

Then you come along and kick everyone in the groin, but have nothing of any value to add to the discussion.

What kind of person acts like that?