That being said here are my three but again hard to stick to three to get all of the sound you listen to and want to hear how the system performs.
1) Steely Dan - Aja- The dynamic range and espeically Steve Gadd drums cant be beat
2) Grateful Dead- Unbroken Chain- Again dynamic range on this sound from the high highs to the lows are amazing especially the airplane sounds in middle
3) Steel Pulse - Steppin out- The opening is just great. I could use Buffalo Soldier here as well
I have to add a 4th and 5th though for acoutsic timbre and Vocal tests maybe i drop Aja and move one of these up as Aja and Unbroken Chain accomplish the same thing but the drums on Aja are key the airplane sounds on Unbroken Chain are key
4) Hot Tuna - Water Song , Acoustic Guitar ( can use Acoustic Alchemy, or Jerry Garcia - So What, or A Friday Night in SF any cut)
5) Amy Winehouse - Our Day will come ( Can use any Eva Cassidy)
These will test , dynamic range, highs, lows, mids widely and then you must hear vocals as well as acoustic music, I probably need some Miles in there also to see how horns sound .
Love Romantic Warrior and have it on both vinyl and CD need to listen to CD again I guess