6. You’re too old and out of shape to get up and turn the record over after Side 1.
7. Your wife has threatened to see a divorce lawyer if you buy one more piece of audio equipment.
8. The gas bill is overdue, and that didn’t work out well last winter when, instead of paying the gas bill, you purchased a huge tube amp that barely heated one room.
9. You’re up to your ears in audio equipment down in your basement. There is no more room to put anything. To accommodate the new turntable, you’ll either have to rent storage space, or sell something. Making a decision like that could paralyze you for a month.
10. If you buy a new turntable, you’ll have to get into yet another discussion about “analog vs. digital” with your “friends” on the Audiogon Forum, and you would rather eat broken glass.
7. Your wife has threatened to see a divorce lawyer if you buy one more piece of audio equipment.
8. The gas bill is overdue, and that didn’t work out well last winter when, instead of paying the gas bill, you purchased a huge tube amp that barely heated one room.
9. You’re up to your ears in audio equipment down in your basement. There is no more room to put anything. To accommodate the new turntable, you’ll either have to rent storage space, or sell something. Making a decision like that could paralyze you for a month.
10. If you buy a new turntable, you’ll have to get into yet another discussion about “analog vs. digital” with your “friends” on the Audiogon Forum, and you would rather eat broken glass.