top loading cd players

Hi I'm looking for manufacturers who still make top loading cd players.  I have found Ayon, CEC, and Rega, but wondering if there are others.



@umrkretread I’ve had the Sparkler for a year and a half.  No complaints, well made, yes, hand made stainless case, small, uses Philips TDA1543 D/A and discrete analog path (=no opamp ICs).  Don’t know whose CD transport is used but whatever is in there works well.  Sound quality is very good, warm and smooth.  Machine has basic functions which the remote mimics.  Easy to read display.  Distributor, Victor is great guy and easy to work with.  When I bought the S505, they were being made to order and sent directly from Japan.  

I have an Audio Aero Capitole Reference top loading CDP/DAC on another site if you are interested.  Retailed for $9,500 new, but selling to clear $3K after shipping. Great unit in excellent condition.  I've primarily used it as a DAC and preamp as prefer the convenience of streaming vs. CD's.

It’s been a long time since Iheard the Aero Capitole player.  I bet it still is a terrific sounding unit—very smooth and relaxed sounding (not edgy or brittle), yet clear and not sluggish.  It was a favorite of mine, along with Audio Note players and DACs.

Yes, Lector makes fantastic sounding players at less than crazy prices.  They also make pretty good phono stages.