Toshiba XA-1 HD DVD player as CD transport

Re-configuring my two channel set up and remembered I had this wonderful Toshiba XA-1 HD-DVD player in my spare room set up. Not really being used for watching movies so I decided to give it a try as a CD transport. Found some old reviews on the web praising the CD side of this machine. I also have a Denon DVD 2800 that I could use for CD transport.
Using a Denon AVR 2805 for the two channel playback with connections via Digital Optical to the AVR and Polk Audio RTi A3 speakers. Opinions on which player and why would be appreciated. Thanx!
I'd like to know which one sounds better, as well. Since you have both players, maybe you can compare them side by side and post your results.
My Denon AVR 2805 arrived today. Did a quick install with the Toshiba HD DVD as CD transport. BLOWN AWAY! Holy details Batman, did you hear that?