Total newbie question re: headphone amps

Um, so can you hook up a headphone amp to the tape out on your preamp section of your integrated?

What about a tube headphone amp, fed by the tape out of a Naim Nait 3. My reasons are: I want to try tubes in some way; the Nait has no headphone jack; the Nait has my only phono pre.

Would I get tube pleasure?
My editing was poor. I meant 'headphone amp' not 'tape amp'.

If you are connecting a tube headphone amp to the tape out of your Naim, and your tube headphone amp has a volume control, you should get the full benefit and pleasure of tubes. The only thing that you might want to check out, if you are considering a purchase, is making sure you have a good impedence match between your tape out and headphone amp in and that the headphone amp can drive your particular brand of headphones. I can't imagine that would be a problem, but its worth checking out just to be sure.