Transfiguration cartridges with JMW 9 Sig.

Has anyone used Transfiguration or Zyx Cartridges with the scoutmaster / JMW 9" Signature Tonearm. I am considering the Transfiguration Phoenix. The Phonostage is a Naim Superline thru' Naim amplification.
I have not heard the exact combinations you are considering, but I don't see any reason why any of them will be problematic.

A friend has a Transfiguration Orpheus feeding a Superline feeding other Naim amplification (I think 252). The combination sounds very good. I am particularly impressed by the Superline phonostage.

I've heard the Phoenix cartridge too, on a Naim ARO arm/Linn LP12 combination. That is a very lively and engaging combination. I like what I've heard from the Phoenix.

I haven't had a serious listening session with the ZYX cartridges, so I don't know how they compare with the Transfiguration cartridges.
The ZYX cartridge can be ordered with additional mass supplied by a silver base which makes it compatible with the JMW-9 arm. Otherwise, the ZYX is much too light for the JMW-9 arm. I've read that some folks are very happy with the result. I use Benz and Dynavector carts, so I have no first-hand experience with the ZYX.

I am awed by the performance of my Scoutmaster with JMW 9-Sig/ZYX Airy 3 SB combo. It does have the added silver base (as noted by the SB in the model). Talk to Mehran at SoraSound for the best advice/price.