Transparent cables with Thiel speakers

My current system is:
Bryston BCD-1
Bryston BP26
Bryston 7B SST2
Thiel 3.7
Interconect from CDP to pre amp: Cardas Golden Reference
Interconnect from pre to power amp: Cards Neutral Reference
Speaker Cable: Cardas Neutral Reference
I want to upgrade the CDP to Pre amp interconnect and speaker cables to Transparent Reference. If you have ever used Transparent Reference cables with Thiel speakers. Can you please share your experience here. Thank you in advance.

Showing 1 response by wig

It is my opinion that they are distracted by the size of the soundstage that MIT and Transparent makes. I thought the same way until I tried Goertz, Audio Quest, Straightwire, Dynamic Design, JPS, Morrow and the cable that I own now, Clarity Cable, that has beat every cable I have tried by a large margion. Clarity Cables allows you to listen deep within the soundstage and produces lifelike images that fill the room with toe-tapping sound. All of the brand mentioned above and many others are thin and one dimensional in comparison. This is a cable wonderful cable that doesn't get a lot of press but I can tell you, it won't disappoint.

This cable gets much better when placed on a cable cooker!