Transport/Dac 101

Excuse me in advance for my complete lack of understanding in this matter. Right now I have a JVC DVD feeding into an MSB Link DAC 3 with no upgrades. I like what the MSB dous for the sound of the cheap JVD player and hey it's paid for. I am thinking about one of the universal players in the $300 to $500. My question is, when using an outboard DAC, isn't it pointless to buy a more expensive transport, since you are bypassing the units' internal cuircuits anyway? I don't get this whole jitter thing. And in the end, as always, I'm looking for the best bang-for-the-buck.
I primarily listen to Prog rock full volume. Your input as always is sincerely appreciated. Thank you, Matt.....

Showing 1 response by bbaxley2

go with the transport,i have a cec and a pioneer dvd hooked to a modded msb and there is huge diff,meridian is a great one to get the 500,about 500.00 on here. get the msb to take balanced thru there net work card you wont look back,i also upgrade the power supply on msb,dan wright modded the msb and ,i keep it over the plat,series msb has.dan also sales the monolithic power supply for it,,but a transport ,vs player will bwe huge upgrade with what you have