Transport for Exogal Comet Plus DAC

Transport for Redbook CD only.  Currently using an Oppo 103, but that will be leaving soon.  Curious if this is a DAC that would benefit from re-clocker...Thanks
I have the CXC transport for 2 years now and it sounds excellent on my Yggdrasil. 
Not a problem with cliking etc. The remote does not have direct access to tracks and it is big for functioning on other Cambridge products. So a lot of buttons don't function. My only criticism. I'm looking for another for a backup a silver one.

You can:

1) treat your disks with $100/4 oz. treatment

2) cut the outer edge at an angle

3) put colored pen on the inner ring

4) use destatic gun or demagnetizer on the disks

5) treat with fluorescent light

6) rewrite the disk to a CDROM

7) coat the top surface with a rubberized coating

or you can:

Get a good reclocker like the Synchro-Mesh and insert in the coax cable between transport and DAC

Seems like a no-brainer to me.

I use the iFi SPDIF iPurifier on my home theater and smart TV.  Great for movies and only $150.

Reclockers rule!!

Steve N.

Empirical Audio