Transport for ML360S?

I'm looking for a transport to go with my system. Anyone out there with Levinson 360S DAC using Sony 9000ES as transport? Seems the 9000ES has many fans. Any other recommendations for transports under $2000 that supports 24/96? The rest of my system: ML380S pre and ML 335 amp.
Ralee; yes, the M37 is a several year old design, but it is just a transport. The really important (digital) technology is in the 360S DAC, which is near state-of-the-art, IMO. The M37 can be purchased used for $2-2.5K (when you can find it). Madrigal does have a replacement transport for the M37 that is due out sometime this year, however, it will be pretty expensive I'm told. But, I believe it is also supposed to read DVD-A. Happy Hunting. Craig.
Garfish, with respect to the new Levinson transport, do you mean DVD-A or DVD as in 24/96 discs? It seems to me a separate transport for DVD-Audio would not be worthwhile, as my recollection is that the 24/96 DVD-A signal can't be passed through a digital data link (part of the copycode controversy), and I thought that was software driven. However, a transport that can send a 24/96 signal from the few discs that have it from Chesky and Classic would be helpful, although with the limited amount of that software, I think your recommendation of the M37 is a good one. If you need a 24/96 transport, get a cheap used Pioneer or recent Marantz or the Sony with SACD. But I would not expect any of them to work as well with redbook CDs and the 360 DAC as its matching transport. Just my opinion--good luck.
Garfish, are you referring to the ML No41? I was told it's supposed to be a "Levinson version" of the Proceed PMDT. And being a Levinson, it will be even more expensive than a PMDT. ($7-8K price range?)
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