Transport Question

Now have the new Rotel CD player using as a transport into a Bryston bda-3

The bryston make a big difference.

Time for a good stand alone transport. Looking at the SIm moon 260d.

Would that be a decent upgrade for the rotel?



@nonoise : Whether it’s financial data, music data or video data the base form is the binary code. That is why a computer can read an optical disk and store/playback all three. 

Digital theory shows that transports all are equivalent, especially with modern DACs that control jitter very well. However, my experience has been that transports make a large difference in the sound from any DAC I have used.

Why do transports make such a difference? Everyone will have a reason, but I don't think any of us knows for sure.

I had a 260D (sold in favor of playing files) and thought it was a very good transport, so yes, I think it would be a good choice. Better than the Rotel? Never having tried the latter, I don’t know -- but I suspect yes.

Post removed 

@jasonbourne52 , Binary code is one thing. Getting it from one place to another is something else. The cheapest system of source, cabling and endpoint can successfully transmit data for banking purposes as long as it meets industry standards. It's just a printout and not music.

Anyone here with cable TV knows that despite all the tight and proper crimps, connections and measurements showing that it's working properly, the picture still sucks compared to a decent blu ray player. I've had techs over many a time and they hook up their meters and everything is working to spec and yet it still stinks. We all just settle for less and fill in the missing parts in our heads, ignoring the flaws.

The same goes for music. Too much goes on with all the connections and distances involved and with no general agreement on which is the better way of doing it, unless one thinks like you do. Thankfully, I don't.

All the best,