Triplanar RCA out to Balanced out for MP-1

Hello all, especially Doug Deacon

Well,,,,,, my Atma-Sphere MP-1 mklll has just arrived. much joy. Now I need to reterminate my RCA out from the Triplanar to a balanced out.

I am a competent solderer.

All suggestions and hints welcome

Showing 4 responses by atmasphere

Nandric, you speakers are simply in no danger regardless of what you do with the arm. It all has to do with what you do with the volume control :)
With the grounds set up in this manner, there is no chance of a ground loop.
Hi Nandric, tie the ground connection of the arm to pin 1 of the XLR. If the shield has 2 conductors inside, then the shield will tie to pin 1 of the XLR also. That way you get a proper balanced connection from the arm to the preamp.
Lewm and Nandric, this is why I recommend that the tone arm ground wire and the shield both be tied to pin 1 of the XLR. No hum problems! I have even used Kimber wire between the arm and preamp (using an SME V, not a Triplanar) and no hum at all.

A phono cartridge is a naturally balanced source and does not need a special circuit to convert it to balanced operation- just the right hookup.