Triplanar RCA out to Balanced out for MP-1

Hello all, especially Doug Deacon

Well,,,,,, my Atma-Sphere MP-1 mklll has just arrived. much joy. Now I need to reterminate my RCA out from the Triplanar to a balanced out.

I am a competent solderer.

All suggestions and hints welcome
Hope you don't mind me asking how you like your Mp-1 MK3? How is the line stage?
Hi all, I am reluctant to mess with the fine made RCA connectors by Tri but I like to try 'balanced' because I
own the Basis Exclusive with both possibilitys. So there is
the shield on both (L&R) sides. The advice is to connect the shield to the pin 1. But there is also a separate ground wire. The question: is the shield connected to the arm-mass? If so what to do with the ground-wire?

Hi Nandric, tie the ground connection of the arm to pin 1 of the XLR. If the shield has 2 conductors inside, then the shield will tie to pin 1 of the XLR also. That way you get a proper balanced connection from the arm to the preamp.
The turntable/arm ground wire should be used as the XLR ground.The +/non-inverted and the -/inverted signal will go to the respective terminals on the XLR,as these are floating +/-.
Dear Atmashere and Tpsonic, I am thankful for the advice but,alas,I am not capable to move in the opposite direction at the same time. Something that according to physics and logic is not possible. So I still have no idea
what to connect to pin 1: according to Atmasphere both(the shield as well as the ground wire);according to Tpsonic only the ground wire. But I still dont know which of all
are connected to the arm-mass.The shield or the ground-wire or both? Then,you see,I will know what to connect to
pin 1.
BTW I think I should look for a different hobby.
