TRL 595-how good is it?

I am a digital junky, so I have been thru well over a dozen players in the past 12 months. My favorite is the APL 3910. I just bought the TRL Sony 595 from the Tsunami auction, and will receive next week. Any one here have experience with this machine? I TT Paul from TRL and he said he is still shaking his head from disbelief on how good this puppy sounds. I am impatient, so would love some feedback. I also love the fact it is a 5 disc changer. Could it be a world beater? I have TT a person who sold his Cary 303/200 after burning this puppy in.

Ehquiring minds want to know

Very interesting indeed 711. Burying part of the circuitry in epoxy has been used before, at least since the mid '80s. E.g. my Rowland 7M amps's trans-impedance modules are contained in solid blocks of epoxy. I thought that was done only to keep proprietary circuitry away from prying eyes. May there be some sonic benefit to the process?)
If the TRL 595 proved itself superior to other modded players I would likely suggest that "who cares about the color of the cat, provided it kills mice!"
But according at least to you and the admittedly unscientific analysis pointed out in my earlier link, the TRL 595 may be good for its price, while perhaps underperforming other similarly priced devices, such as the APL 563.
While it may be theoretically argued that yours is only a personal opinion, It is certainly a highly qualified one. Besides, isn't the entire business of the high end about opinions?
Keep us posted on your further findings. Thanks, Guido

I cannot proclaim to be an expert on the TRL Sony 595 because I do not own one. However, your claims that TRL uses fairy paste might be a bit exaggerated don't you think?
I had extensive conversations with Paul about the mods done to my Alesis ML9600. To the best of my knowledge clocking issues were resolved and as a result of the mod the component does not do a significant amount of error correction. While this has improved the Alesis, this also means it may have some problems reading scratched or old discs, although to date I have had no such issues. Doesn't sound like fairy paste to me.

I believe clocking improvement is a big part of what TRL does as part of any mod regardless of the unit. In my case they performed more work on the digital side than the analogue side due to the design of the unit. Hence it is best used as a transport, which is fine with me anyway. Granted I did not see any epoxy on my unit but there was chassis dampening done to it. I'm sure there were other things done that I couldn't tell, but I think some people have a problem with TRL due to the fact that they keep their mods proprietary (which I am told is the reason the epoxy is really there). Other modders list the services they provide and therefore people seem to be more comfortable with that. Everyone is entitled to their opinion as to which mod company is best for them. I chose to take the leap of faith with Paul and I don't regret it. At the same time I'm interested in what Alex is doing and look forward to hearing the results of his work.

Before I purchased the Alesis I looked seriously at the modded Jolida JD-100s. Underwood was one company I looked at. They have a stellar reputation for the Jolida mods, yet there is significant debate as to whether the mods are in the best interest of the original intent of the JD-100 design. Obviously Underwood lists their mods which include high quality capacitors, new clock, new power supply, and better wiring among others. There are a lot of pieces replaced and I can see the point of the anti-modders. In reality sometimes less is more.

There are obviously TRL fanatics out there and I can see why. Paul seems to know his business. He is involved in recording and engineering and even though he may not be in the spotlight, perhaps some people prefer it that way. To each their own. You are obviously a big fan of Alex's work and I don't hold that against you as you are someone with first hand experience with it. But in the end it's all opinion, nothing more nothing less. Each of us has one and we can use the information shared on this board and others to make our own decisions as to which products are best for us.

BTW - look for the 6moons review of the TRL modded Alesis.
"Since I am NO expert I just sent it off to Alex to see if there are any other mods"

Makes sense to me, Steve. If I didn't like my TRL 595, I'd send it off to their competitor, too, rather than just sell it. Do you realize just how unscrupulous this sounds? Have you sent your other modified players off to Alex too? Is this common practice for you and Alex, to view the competitors work, anaylize it and incorporate into yours? I'm trying to understand your motives ... it just doesn't make sense.

Next, you make derogatory statements about Lkdog, as if you are THE only person in the know. As Brian Walsh stated when you were inquiring about the TRL GT-200's, (Seen here[url] "I would suggest bringing the rest of your system and room up toward that level before taking the plunge. Everything matters." Since he has been to your home and has heard your system with the Reimers, I'll take his word. And considering Brian's long term in the hobby and exposure to Hi-Fi and mid-fi, too :) ... I'm inclined to agree. This said, you should be the last man to cast the first stone. But, that isn't your way ... that isn't your mode of behavior. In my opinion, "There is NO WAY IN HELL your opinion on this means anything, uless you have listened for yourself, or been involved with TRL on MY level, not yours." How does that taste, Steve? I just questioned YOUR ability and YOUR system and YOUR room. In your words, "Have fun in your journey, cause I am having fun in mine". :)

To me, you are a man who has an axe to grind with TRL. You try to elude that it is because you were cheated on an amp, which couldn't be further from the TRUTH. I believe that it is for other gain, which is plain to see. Regarding the TRL GT-200's, sorry, Mike Joyce's hearing improved, which is great news because he is a professional in the music industry whose hearing is essential to his income. Paul did the right thing and honored Mike's deal, because (after all) Mike was the original purchaser of the amps and had already paid a substantial down payment.

Since I am well versed with TRL products, I have folks from all over the World that e-mail me and ask my opinion. This said, after I took possession of the SS amps, I could have managed selling them easily. And, (unlike yourself), I didn't have to sell my other gear to pay for the amps. I could have wired Paul's account that day, which is their standard practice. :)

About the reviews ... Did you happen to notice the GTRP-800 review at the TRL web site? I guess that one slid right past you ... It is authored in 1992 by Mr. Sugano, one of the most revered Japanese audio reviewers. There was another 2 reviews of the GTRP-800's in 1992, with front page photos in 2 issues of Audio Technique magazine, which many here are familiar with. There is a review of the GT-200's (which really should have been of interest to you) in 2000 by the Editor of The Inner Ear Report. Then, there was the 1992 front page article in the Wall Street Journal (perhaps you've heard of it?) where TRL is listed in the top 20 electronics exporters ($ wise) to the Orient. (BTW, you weren't even in the hobby then, were you?) There are others, Steve. You could try to contact Paul for the 6 or 7 others ... if he'd take your call. If I were him, I'd "Reserve the right to refuse service to anyone", but he's a better man than I.

Your agenda is well known, Steve. You are helping TRL more than you know ... :)

Good day!


Moderators: Thank you for allowing me to post MY side of the story. I will do my best to remain civil and respectful of others from here on out, as long as they do the same.

TRL Family: I apologize that I had to bring much of this information in a public forum, but fair is fair. Things got a little out of hand. Nothing that anyone else says will sway my first hand experience with my TRL modified products. As Audioezra has said, "... greatness is greatness". And,he should know, since he has one of the best reference systems in the World, if not the best. And, like me, over 30 years in the hobby. I hope to make it out to Chicago sometime, Ezra.

Lkdog: Hopefully you will still feel comfortable dropping in and sharing your opinion.

711smilin: I'm sorry that I had to be so blunt with you, but you have seriously flamed two people whom are my friends. Hopefully, we can keep it civil from here out. :)
On June 15th Joel Waterman posted a somewhat mixed review of the TRL 595 on AA. Please see: