TRL Marantz Sa-14

After speaking to Paul at TRL I am very curious to hear from those who own this unit what improvements do you hear with the player before and after the mod.

The SA-14 sounds weak in the bass and has no dynamics in comparison to some players like the Sony Scd-1 in stock form. Has anyone compared the TRL Sa-14 to the Sony Scd-1?
I did a mini comparison of 3 aftermarket power cables on the TRL SA14 yesterday and was surprised at how big (and different) an impact they had! One gave the TRL SA14 a "classical" tube sound -- less treble/bass extension, a bit slow, nice bloomy midrange. Another gave a stereotypical SS sound -- very extended, great PRaT but thin midrange. The last was a nicely balanced mix of the first 2, plus slightly more precise imaging... but unfortunately it was the most expensive cable ($750)! My friend who lent me the $750 cable also has a cheaper cable from the same maker (~$200) and I've asked him how the sound compares... At this point, I haven't sent my SA14 back to TRL for the free update, which I understand will improve dynamics, upper bass and flesh out the midrange (round trip shipping will cost me about $300 from Hong Kong).
Steve Milin is back! What a journey, indeed!

You should probably ask Alex which amp he recommends ... you know, system synergy and all that stuff ...


Jack :)
Jsala: Send it back. The difference is more significant than the original mod. You may want to look back through the posts from those who did send their SA-14 back for the up-date.

It will be $300 well spent.

Just sharing my first hand experience ...


Thanks for the input on power cords. Would you mind listing the brands?
How did they compare to the TRL power cord you have?
Am interested in what power cords people use and like with the TRL SA14.
I am using a Ven Haus Audio power cord made for digital.It is one of the older Flavor 2 cords.

What brands of cable did you try? I'm using CRL Silver on my TRL modded transport, but am curious as to what others are experinecing with other brands.