Tube amp for falcon ls35a gold badge

hey there.

I've recently purchased a pair of falcon ls35a's. heard good stuff about tube amps (never had one), and thought that i might try and get my first.
would like to get recommendations about what amps works the best with those speakers.
i mostly listen to vocals - male and females, singer-songwriters, folk, country, blues and instrumental.

from the bit research i've already done, most people recommend el 84 and 34 amps, line magnetic amps, and sudgen (i know its SS).

One of our employees owned the original BBC version of the LS35/a. They worked really well with our smallest amp, the S-30, which is triode and OTL.

Because they are a bit power hungry you do need about 35-40 watts to make them sing.
Congratulations on acquiring the the Falcon LS/5a speakers.
1 what are the dimensions of your room?
2 what are your typical listening levels?
3 is there a budget ceiling?

I do believe that a good quality tube amplifier would match really well with your speakers and given your music preference provide a very natural/organic presentation. A good push-pull el 84 or el34 amplifier is a good choice.

I would however also suggest you seriously consider the Atma-Sphere S-30 or their M-60 mono blocks. These would pair beautifully with your 15 ohm speakers. I believe that you’d experience exceptional vocal and instrumental tone/timbreclarity.
Best of luck,
lta zotl ref40 or more recent audio research for best transparency, bass drive with tube oriented sonic benefits in midrange beauty and holographic imaging

don't know your budget... the above are pricey but worthwhile, imo