Was going to say that everyone who mentions speaker/amp combo's should mention sens and nominal as well as low ohm load.94db say's something but my B&W 803's were 8ohm 90db but had nasty impedance swing that made 100 glass watts and 200 SS mandatory.But listening to thoise above should be good advice.I once had some lovely little Spars for a few weeks and hey were and easy drive.But when you get to more drivers /larger cabinet things can get easier or harder depending on speaker.if you like cayin one guy is selling his for a A100.Me the only poiece I wish I had never sold was the Mesa baron.Wish I had sent it in for tri tube mod to run more than 6L6 compatibility but Mesa beng pr audio said nto use 6L6 but offered tri tube as option knowing tube roller or KT88 and EL34 fans would broaden the base of customers.Can pick them up now (long out of production) but really nice to be able to swich 12 tubes in banks of 4 "on he fly" for 1/3 triode 2/3 pentode,2/3 triode etc for 60/90/120 watts which could run most anything outside of Appogee's.You were able to tailor sound no only to speakes but to ype of music being played.Full triode foor Miles and full pentode for the Who or Wagner.Really miss that sucker.Had a freind with the Slam100 Cary's and they were nice high output amp.But hey it's all out there depending on what you want to spend.If 70 serves you well better say a Canary that is listed above for a cool $5K yet is 70 watt in full triode than push pull amps.I'd like to take the hybrid Modcose for a spin with your (or my $7 German Odeon Horns).So many products only two ears and so much money and time.bu that was what was cool abou that Mesa.Why it didn't stay in production when company is still healthy player in amp heads for their guitar and bass cabinets I don't know.
Hope you pick a winner
Hope you pick a winner