Tube amp suggestions for Divine Acoustic speakers

Hello all. I’m in the market for a tube amplifier that will be powering Divine Acoustics Proxima 3 speakers. Here are the specs:

  • Impedance: 8Ω
  • Efficiency: 89dB
  • Frequency response: 45Hz-22kHz (-3dB)
  • Recommended amplifier power: 2-90W
  • Recommended listening room size: 12-30m2

The preamp being used is an Aric Audio Unlimited all tube preamp. I’m definitely considering Aric’s amplifiers but I’m also exploring other options as well. Specifically 300B tube amps.

Do you think a 300B tube amp would drive them sufficiently? What other tube amps would be a good match in your opinion? Budget wise I’m around $4K new or used. I'm also curious if tube rectification on a power amplifier is important or not to sound quality. Thanks for any suggestions.


Showing 1 response by panzrwagn

If you can score the Carver Crimson 275 for $2750 as advertised on Underwood's website, I'd do it in a minute. His 'homage' to the McIntosh MC275with the kind of original thinking and tweaks only Bob Carver can do, plus a very conservative design relative to tube life, that would be a no-brainer for me. At 75W/Ch it may be a bit more power than you would otherwise buy, but I would just consider it extra headroom.

My second choice would be an EL-34/6550 roughly 40W/Ch Amp. A restored vintage McIntosh MC240 would be great, but a more modern interpretation of that basic architecture would also work very well.

I would take a close look at the Prima Lun 200/300/400 models. They're kinda textbook examples of the most common approaches to the EL-34 design world: Triode and Ultralinear, plus tube options including the EL-34, KT-88, KT-120, and KT-150. I'd probably lean towards the KT-88, but that's just me.