Tube amp with SS like bass

I demoed a used BAT VK-60 amp and while the mids and highs were very good I just could not warm up to the bass. I have the VK-200 and am spoiled by its wonderfully tight bass response.

Can I have what I'm looking for under 2K, preferably, 1.5K?

Contenders are:
Butler 2250
Audio Research VS-55
Rogue 90

Any others to consider?

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I agree with Raquel, I auditioned several amps including the Rogues and ended up buying the Sonic Frontiers Power 2. There are lots above your price range, but in it, the Power 2 is your best option.
Of the ones you mentioned the Butler would be my pick. I heard it at RMAF and thought the bass was very good. It is a hybrid design and OTL, no output transformers.

That being said I would generally agree with the others who indicated you will have to set your budget higher to attain the goal.
audio by van alstine has hybrid amps with the most expensive being $1800 and in the 200 watt range.
I don't know how much power you need, or what your trying to drive, or how big your room is, or how loud you want to go, but, Audio Research and VTL have the reputation for offering better bass than some of the other lower priced tube competition.