The Andra 2's speakers are amazing, I just recently replaced my Wilson W/P 7's which I owned for two years with these and prior to that I had for 4 years Revel Salons.
This is a second system for me, not my main.
Tube amps, what I have found in the past in my systems is that no tube amp has done what a good solid state can in specific areas and the same goes with tube sound in other specific areas.
I seem to have more luck using good solid state amps with a tube pre.
I have only had the Andra's for two months now so I have not done allot of changes because I want to get use to their over all sound and presence.
Equipment that I do have is the McIntosh 501 mono blocks, Audio Research Ref300 mono blocks, Audio Research Ref3 pre, Audio Research Ref2 MK 2 pre. and VTL 7.5 pre.
Sources; Audio Research Ref CD7, ARC CD3 MK2 player, McIntosh 300 Music Server
I still don't really beleive what I currently have hooked up in my system right now. I have a Bel Canto Dac3 along with their Ref1000 mono blocks, no extra pre. I am using the Dac3's digital pre., my ARC cd player and Mac server hooked up via Stealth Sextet, AES digital cable for the ARC player and RCA digital for Mac. Server and the sound is shocking, solid state and tube sound.
I was exspecting the Bel product to be a joke and take it right back out immediately but so far this has not happened. The Bel set-up has about 50 hours on it and really impressing me wow! totally shocked.
I still have along ways to go though before prior to commenting and giving my opinion on the differences once I put other gear in and out. I will say this, if you know me personally and have heard my system set ups something has to be going on for me to say that I am impressed.
I really have to say the Andra's are amazing speakers, for my main system I sold the speakers and looking at replacing them.
I have in mind the Savoy's, MAXX 2'S, VON Schweikert but this is a tough call mainly because of the size of the speakers. If in the end you don't like them it's alot harder to sell plus the investment made is higher. I presently want to really get use to the sound of the Andra's with different gear and then I will go to the next step for the other speakers.
This is a second system for me, not my main.
Tube amps, what I have found in the past in my systems is that no tube amp has done what a good solid state can in specific areas and the same goes with tube sound in other specific areas.
I seem to have more luck using good solid state amps with a tube pre.
I have only had the Andra's for two months now so I have not done allot of changes because I want to get use to their over all sound and presence.
Equipment that I do have is the McIntosh 501 mono blocks, Audio Research Ref300 mono blocks, Audio Research Ref3 pre, Audio Research Ref2 MK 2 pre. and VTL 7.5 pre.
Sources; Audio Research Ref CD7, ARC CD3 MK2 player, McIntosh 300 Music Server
I still don't really beleive what I currently have hooked up in my system right now. I have a Bel Canto Dac3 along with their Ref1000 mono blocks, no extra pre. I am using the Dac3's digital pre., my ARC cd player and Mac server hooked up via Stealth Sextet, AES digital cable for the ARC player and RCA digital for Mac. Server and the sound is shocking, solid state and tube sound.
I was exspecting the Bel product to be a joke and take it right back out immediately but so far this has not happened. The Bel set-up has about 50 hours on it and really impressing me wow! totally shocked.
I still have along ways to go though before prior to commenting and giving my opinion on the differences once I put other gear in and out. I will say this, if you know me personally and have heard my system set ups something has to be going on for me to say that I am impressed.
I really have to say the Andra's are amazing speakers, for my main system I sold the speakers and looking at replacing them.
I have in mind the Savoy's, MAXX 2'S, VON Schweikert but this is a tough call mainly because of the size of the speakers. If in the end you don't like them it's alot harder to sell plus the investment made is higher. I presently want to really get use to the sound of the Andra's with different gear and then I will go to the next step for the other speakers.