TUBE BIAS, socket to me!

BIAS: (I'm starting from zero understanding) 

I have never measured/adjusted bias in the 3 tube amps, 3 tube receivers, and 2 tube preamps I have acquired over 47 years. I just switched my current Cayin from 6550's to KT88's. Adjust bias? Adjusters inside, scary electrocution warnings. I could pay someone else to do it, i.e. Steve at VAS 1 hr away in NJ, soooo, 

What really counts? (personally I don't care about either heat or life, but would like to understand)

Output stays Matched when adjusted?
Acoustic Performance?

Over the years, fronts off, bottoms off, I hose em down with contact cleaner/lubricant, compressed air, all controls and switchers, any adjusters, swish full spin back and forth. Kill any spiders, look for, replace the rare burnt resistor. 
Then leave any adjusters (whatever they are) in the middle position, button it back up.

Two tube testers, my big hickock always agrees with small portable one, test strength, shorts, matched strength old and newly purchased. Large collection of NOS, used. Often used test essentially same strength as new ones.

When they go, it's usually a short.


I just bought that used McIntosh mx110z tube tuner/preamp in June 2019, a purchase of love but not a long held piece. I sold my McIntosh SS Preamp C28 and McIntosh SS2250 to switch back to tubes.

I have avoided upgrades fairly well, primarily because I have been lucky to both inherit great stuff and been given some great stuff. I have given a lot of stuff to others as well. Met Bill here last year, we swapped my Fisher 800C receiver for his Mitsubishi Vertical TT, LT-5V which I revived and plays in my office system now.

I designed Corporate Offices, New Headquarters, Relocations, Renovations, for 47 years: NYC, Phila, Wash DC, Chicago, San Fran, Toronto, hired my own consultants, did everything soup to nuts.


you haven't been paying full attention, I need 16 ohm taps, the only Cayin with 16 ohms is the original version, with internal bias adjusters.

Raven looks nice, but no 16 ohm taps
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@elliotbnewcombjr.I never pay attention and that your loss needing 16 ohms.

like I said buy a raven they make speakers too!