Tube Friendly Speakers

I need a pair of speakers that my 25w per channel monos can handle, one of my audio pet peeves is an underpowered speaker, so I need something that 25 watts can really move, I am trying to keep it under $2000 new, I've thought about trying the Triangle Antal xs but I have no where to audition them, any other recommendations
Sensativity is not the only thing to look at. For example, Wilson speakers have high sensativity but really demand BIG POWERFUL amps. Many others are similar. Again, try before you buy.
Coincident Speaker Technology,Audio Note, Lowther and Soliliqy all come to mind. I'm sure there are many others but these are all names that come up for sale quite often so if you don't like them they should be fairly easy to move. Hope this helps.
These may not be as esoteric as some would like but I think KEF reference series are "just right" for tubes. I'm using the Ref-III.2 with my ARC VT-100 and am extremely satisfied. The Ref series is fairly high output, 90 db give or take, and has a purposely flattened impedence (which glow-bottles love!). Ref-IIs can be had for around $2200 online.
i'm a big fan of Spendors when match with tubes, but not so much the newer line. look for a used pair of 7/1's, 1/2's or 2/3's - you'll be amazed!