Tube/Hybrid Tube Preamps Below $2000

I pulled the trigger on a ps audio s300 power amp and the new klh five speakers. I can’t wait to set them up, but I can’t decide on a preamp. I’m new to tubes and separates, and this seems like a good opportunity to add some warmth. At the moment my short list is the rogue audio rp-1 and the van alstine fet valve cf rb. The cfr looks great, but pushes above $2000.
The rp-1 includes a phono stage which is a plus, and rogue seems to have a great reputation. Rogue audio often pairs tubes with class d amps, so it seems pretty safe that it’ll pair with the s300. RA is a PA company which is a plus.
The fet valve seems to have great reviews too, and it uses 4 tubes instead of 2 (this isn’t necessarily an advantage I know). I also like the simplicity and look of the fet valve better than the rp-1.
I was wondering if anyone had experience with either, or even both. Also, any missed options? Is the Doge 7 worth considering? The Doge 8 is just a little too much. I’m not opposed to used, but warranties and return periods are a big advantage. Van Alstine’s in particular seems great
I run an RP-1 and the S300 combo. I upgraded the RP with some Mullards and like the combination very well, RP-1 is solid sub $2K Pre. I also have a Rega P6 source with a MC cartridge. Manual for the RP-1 was a little confusing to me (electro dullard) to set the dip switchs so I called Rogue and they helps me set it up based on cart specs. I also source Qobuz/Roon/BrystonPi/Wadia321 and that rivals my P6 in SQ pleasure. If you are patient you can pick up a used RP-1 But they gets snapped up purdy quick. Only knock the RP-1 is a cheese whiz plastic remote. :/.
Edit: RP-1 also has a configurable headphone stage.

The aric audio unlimited looks solid. Would be the most pure tube pre I’ve considered, but I’m interested. The adjustable gain is a nice touch. I wasn’t able to find many reviews, and how it holds up to others.
save a little more and get the rogue audio RH 5 headphone amp balanced line stage. an excellent sounding preamp and a value at its $2500 msrp.
sold mine and sorry that i did.  took gobs of $$$ to improve on. 
@lakeofthewyles So far I've only had one formal review of the Unlimited II by Enjoy The Music, however there is a thread on Audiogon where several users have commented on it below:

Best regards, Aric
@aricaudio I appreciate the response. It’s definitely moved up my short list and I’d probably get the phono stage too. Really happy with the suggestions that have been made. The erhard pre’s look great too.

Am I going to lose some detail and low end with the more pure tube preamps? I’m willing to sacrifice some for the warmth and sound stage that tubes bring, but I don’t want to lose too much punch and clarity. Having a solid state power amp with a tube pre seems like a decent compromise. Like I said, I’m new to tubes, and home hifi in general. I apologize if these are basic questions