Tube preamp with the "most" for 1k used, 2k new?

Tube preamp with the best overall balance of sound on the slightly "warm" side of the divide, ~1k used,~2k new? Must be detailed, dynamic and excel in imaging and soundstage.

From your description, tonally accurate and extended with a bias toward the warm side of nuetral, I think you would like the VTL 2.5 tubed preamp. It comes with a remote and is within your price range if you don't need the phono stage. I was on the same search a few yrs ago and found the answer with the VTL and NOS Mullards. Hope this helps.
Remember with a tube pre-amp and SS amp, it is important to go with an amp that has higher input impedance (I prefer 60K Ohm or higher in general, but 40K is probably OK). How high will vary depending on pre-amp output impedance peaks at certain frequencies, which is often poorly documented. I like to go with the general rule keep the output impedance spec on the pre low and the input on the amp as high as possible to minimize chances for distortion and poor dynamics.

I recall 3 of the leading contenders in a tube pre-amp for me were DeHavilland, ARC, and VTL. The Manley is interesting but was not on my radar at the time. My local dealer sells ARC so I got to hear the sp16, liked what I heard and ended up buying the sp 16 new though at a decent price in that it was near the end of its production run.
What amp will it be used with? The TAD 125s? With ARC, I'd expect those to provide a most resolving sound similar to the best tube gear I have heard, which tends to resemble SS more.

VTl and DeHavilland made my short list when looking probably can't go wron with either of those as well. Probably more of a personal taste thing. My gut says those will sound more "tubey" than the ARC based on what I have read, but have never actually heard these.