Tube question

I've never owned a tube amp or pre-amp before and I have some questions about them for those of you who have them.

Do tubes typically run hotter than solid state?

How often do you need to replace the tubes? And how much do good tubes cost?

If you love the sound of tubes (and make sure you do before getting into this), the occasional tube malfunction - more common in power amps than preamps - is easily outweighed by the positive. But bear in mind (as has been mentioned above), you're looking at continuing expenses over the years for tube replacement. Nothing horrific, but nonexistent with solid state. If you're new to tubes, it would probably be a good idea to buy from a local dealer you can trust so when you get strange whistling, squeaking, rushing (etc.) noises, the dealer can steer you to the problem and solution. Ultimately though, it's really only a tiny pain in the butt, and you'll learn how to diagnose problems (switch L and R channel tubes to see if the noise changes sides, for example) quickly. One last thing, though: if you're a bass freak, you may want to get a powered subwoofer, because tube watts are more expensive than SS, and bass needs power...I reached nirvana with tube pre and power and a REL sub.
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Sorry Gs5556 I have to disagree! There is NO WAY that Russian mil-spec sound anywhere near as good as some of the classic NOS tubes. Also, small signal (pre-amp tubes) should last 6,000+ hours (left on 24/7, these tubes should last AT LEAST one year...switching off when you're away or not listening for awhile and these tubes should be good for two to three years!) The Russian/Yugo tubes, as a general rule, DO NOT LAST AS LONG AS GOOD NOS TUBES!!! (Looser tolerances and quality control than premium NOS!) Ya gets whats ya pays for!
...just to qualify my statement - the Russian MilSpec/Ei Yugo/RFT's are better sounding in my CAT MKII preamp (and associated equipment and room) than ANY other tube combo. Nothing against the NOS tubes, just happens to be that way in my gear where the extra expense is not justified. Also, CATs eat up tubes faster than most tubed gear (CAT recommends replacement after 2000 hours or whenever the sound degrades).