Tube Suggestions Onix SP3

As a rookie to tubes, one of the Melody 5881s tubes on the Onix SP3 I recently purchased on Agon has gone pzzzsst and I'm clueless and suffering without good sound. I have to keep within a reasonable budget but at the same time have a solid replacement for resale value. Can the original Melody 5881's be had anywhere? Otherwise the tube shop I called said I need to replace all four, rather than only 1 and recommended the NOS Sylvannia 5881 at nearly $90 per. I'm tempted to just buy another used Onix if that's the case. (Just kidding) Help
Hey get2it1 - the SP3 is not an autobiasing amp, you need to re-set the bias whenever you replace the 5881s. Technically the 6l6gc is not a direct replacement for the 5881 and needs to be biased higher than the 5881. The 5881 bias should be set a 1.15V. Some fellow sp3 owners on the av123 forum calculated the 6l6gc tube bias as 1.60V for the sp3. When I put in my 6l6gc I just biased it at 1.15V with the plan of increasing up to 1.60 but I never got around to it because it sounds good at 1.15 and I figure I'm stressing the tube less.

As for actually biasing the unit you need to get a voltmeter if you don't own one already. You can pick up a digital voltmeter at Radioshack for under $20. Turn your system on and let the amp warm up for 5 minutes or so. Don't play any music while you are biasing the amp, this is important. On each side of the amp you will see 5 holes. Turn your meter on and insert the black lead into the center hole. Insert the red lead into the hole on the far right and check the meter for a reading. Insert a small screw driver in the hole between the leads and turn the screw until the bias reads 1.15V. Once this is done remove the red lead and insert into the far left hole and then adjust the screw between the leads until it also reads 1.15V. You've just biased the two tubes on the side of the amp. Repeat the procedure on the other side and you're done!

One thing to remember is that these tubes take about 24hours of play time to break in and during that time the bias will often drift so you may need to reset occasionaly during this break in period. After this breakin period you should only need to check the bias every 6 months or so.

Good luck!

Go to the following forum thread and you'll find some great information on biasing the Onix SP3 amplifier:
Outstanding Tooter, Rhing and Newbee. Left a message with av123 checking on the replacement Melody as a plan B. I will work on the Bias per your instructions Tooter. Much Appreciation All.
Now there's more than one explanation for the distortion! On the right rear test the reading is 10.55 and won't go any lower. That's also the one that blew. I don't know much about this but something tells me I bought an amp from an Agoner with a bad 'wheel'. Can this be repaired or replaced in anyway? I'm O for 2 on Agon buys now - but with the great help from you guys I still have faith.

Any suggestions or should I post this as a new thread?
Are you sure that the reading isn't 1.055? Is your voltmeter set to the right "range"? Try swapping positions of the 5881 tubes and see if the same position gives the abnormal reading. You may want to just get in touch with av123. They've been very good aboout responding to emails/questions. I bought my amp second hand here on audiogon and when I had questions they were great to deal with. Best case scenario is that you just have a bad tube. Good luck, hope you get to the bottom of this!