Tube upgrades for Jolida 502B?

I realize this is something that has come up before, though in searching the archives I didn't come away with a clear path forward. My amp is completely stock and came equipped with Sovtek 6550s. Using it to drive Totem Forest speakers. I contacted Jolida. They recommend KT88s. Their reply is a bit unclear but they might be suggesting Electro Harmonix. They also indicate reliability issues with Chinese KT88s. Response Audio (Jolida dealer and modder) recommends Shuguang KT88s (Chinese). The Tube Store recommended JJ Tesla KT88s on the strength of their great imaging and deep bass (more bass being something I was looking for). I was initially leaning towards SED Winged "C" 6550s. Now I am a bit more confused. I'm curious about KT88 vs 6550 sonics and reliability differences. Thanks in advance to any one willing to take the time to share their experience and preferences.
I own a jolida 502p and I have put the current tube store premium package recommendation of 4 Gold lion KT88 reissues, 2 Northern Electric 12AX7 and 2 NOS Mullard 12AT7WA / CV4024 in the amp.The combo is quite nice open sound stage, deep bass and clear highs. It is the best combo I have tried I have used the tungsol and the winged c 6550's, GE and rca 5751,JJ 12ax7,Ei 12ax7, mullard cv4004 sovteck and EH and the list goes on for small signal tubes. I do like the tubes stores combo and it has been in for the last year. One note I purchased all the tubes from other sources GL from a local store just because I heard kt88 can be kind of fragile and did not want the hassle of shipping them back if something was wrong and the others I found a better price elsewhere.The GL's have been operating just fine for the last two years.
I stuck KT120s in my Jolida 502p after being assured (By the Jolida MD people) they would work. They do. Amazingly. The stock 6550s were fine, as are the Sovtek KT88s I tried, but the 120s just sound better in every way I can hear. Then, it was suggested by a dude at the to try their "preferred" 7025s in place of the 12AX7s...another brilliant idea that, combined with the 120s makes the amp just sing...more accurate seemingly, crisp but still tube rich...all good, and the 120s hold the bias settings really well. Now I'm thinking of trying Mullards in place of the EH 12AT7s and if that makes things even better, my head might explode from happiness.
Hi Tbromgard

Another Jolida JD-502P owner chiming in here. I too have Tung Sol KT-120 power tubes installed on the 502P and am very happy with them. Out of curiosity I did try the a matched quad of solid black plate Penta KT-88SC tubes. I found the bass to be less tight with the KT-88SC tubes vs the KT-120s. Mids and Highs were slightly better with the KT-120s to me. I may keep the Penta KT-88s since they don't come up for sale often or if I want a change of pace.

Now for preamp tubes here is what I've found in my system. All these notes were done with the Tung Sol KT-120 power tubes in place.

With a mellow source I found Penta Labs 12AT7 tubes and Groove Tubes 12AX7 Gold tubes make for better detail in the music without any listener fatigue.

With a source that is very forward I found The Preferred Series 7025 tubes along with Tung Sol 12AT7 tubes made the music more warm and mellow in my system with just the right amount of detail.

I also found the re-issue Mullard 12AX7s along with the EH 12AT7s made for a very mellow less detailed presentation to the music in my system. A lot of songs I was playing were really laid back. Maybe it could have been revealing the true mellowness of my source but that is what I found.

Best of luck with the search.
You might want to confirm with Jolida but to me the only difference between the 502B and the 502P is that the 502B has volume, input controls and subwoofer output. Other than that the Amplifier section is the same.