Tube vendors.

Hello all taking a break from the kitchen rehab salesmen....
Quick question on Tube suppliers other than The Tube Store and Upscale Audio.
Who are you all getting tubes from and what do you like about them.
Andy will also put you in a Motorola if it saves you $ and tests like the OEM in OEM box….

He spent a few hours researching and testing just the right  vintage Tung Sol 6550 that ( barely ) fits in my REF5se……

my post in no way to disparage other vendors, just happy w Andy.

check out also RAM tubes and the genius that was Roger Modjeski - RIP….
Andy at Vintage Tube Services. Good selection, knows his stuff and reasonable prices. 
@eichlerera Thanks for the detailed explanation about why he’s so good!

Perhaps the fans here for Jim, Brent, Upscale, Viva, and the other tube sellers might want to see that their guy/biz is worth passing over for Andy.

Because if he is as far beyond (in testing knowledge, equipment, expertise in tubes) as you say, then there’s no reason not to switch!
The only reason not to call Andy at vintage tube services would be if you can't wait 2-3 weeks for your tubes.