"Turn This Car Around" Tom Petty
Tune of the Day
"Blue Rondo a la Turk" on the Two Generations of Brubeck album. Wow.
There are many fine versions of this tune, but this one gets me dancing, clapping, fist-pounding, whatever, every time....and it's not easy to dance in, what, 9/8? I love tunes that grow, build, develop, and move through changes. This one just picks me up and takes me right along with it. Great melding of jazz and rock idioms, too. It's fun to imagine Dave Brubeck setting the groove and then sitting back to hear where his kids and their friends take it.
You can continue exploring Dave and the kids on Two Generations of Brubeck, "The Great Spirit Made Us All". And Chris Brubeck's rock/jazz band Sky King on "Secret Sauce".
For extra credit, give a "spin" to Chase, "Bochawa" from their last album, Pure Music.
Anyway, that's my two cents today.
There are many fine versions of this tune, but this one gets me dancing, clapping, fist-pounding, whatever, every time....and it's not easy to dance in, what, 9/8? I love tunes that grow, build, develop, and move through changes. This one just picks me up and takes me right along with it. Great melding of jazz and rock idioms, too. It's fun to imagine Dave Brubeck setting the groove and then sitting back to hear where his kids and their friends take it.
You can continue exploring Dave and the kids on Two Generations of Brubeck, "The Great Spirit Made Us All". And Chris Brubeck's rock/jazz band Sky King on "Secret Sauce".
For extra credit, give a "spin" to Chase, "Bochawa" from their last album, Pure Music.
Anyway, that's my two cents today.
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curiousjim....A few years ago at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, I walked into a room, can't remember which manufacturers were in that room. But they were comparing their setup to a live musician....ala is it live or is it Memorex. The musician had a guitar and would sing a song, and then they would play a recorded version of the song to compare. I looked at the musician and thought, Hell, that's Jon Pousette-Dart! I had a great time listening to him and chatting with him about the Pousette-Dart Band. An unexpected delight at RMAF.
Jesse Colin Young...The Highway is For Heroes. |
I have that Honeymoon Suite album @curiousjim . I think I have another title as well. Thanks for the reminder! |