Tung Sol NOS Black Plate 6550 – Temperature

I just replace my ARC Ref 6’s stock Sovtek 6550 to a Tung Sol NOS Black Plate 6550 (3 getters) yesterday.  Although the difference between these tubes’ sound quality is not huge, in my opinion Tung Sol NOS 6550 seem to be better than stock Sovtek 6550.   Tun Sol NOS has better resolution, better solid bass, better sound stage…. But one thing I’m quite sure, Tung Sol NOS 6550’s temperature seem to be higher than Sovtek 6550, Tung Sol NOS is much hotter. Does any Tung Sol NOS 6550 user also have this experience? Thx.

I always ever so slightly under biased my tubes. Andreas Hoffman from Octave always recommended that for longer tube life.
I used TS 6550 black plates in my Octave V70se. They ran a bit hotter than the SED 6550 or KT88. Honestly not enough to really notice. Solid grey plates were the same. Is it possible they be biased a little high??