Turntable and Arm Combination in 5K range (maximum)

I have a new Dynavector TKR cartridge and it simply amazes me.  In the spirit of being further amazed, I am thinking about a turntable and tonearm change.  Currently I use a Hanss T-20 table with an Origin Live Illustrious tonearm.  The TKR seems to be happy with this tandem, but suggestions from analog gurus on other things to consider -- either new or used -- would be greatly appreciated.  I listen almost exclusively to classical, and have a collection of about 1500 classical records.  My tastes lean toward quick, dynamic, and wide soundstage, as I do listen to a lot of chamber music and solo piano (I am a hack classical pianist as well).  I find recordings of piano music to be particularly demanding of my system, which is Sanders 10 planars and a mix of ARC tube and solid state amplifiers.  When you get good vinyl, it is stunning.     Thanks in advance.
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Look for Reed 3p, it's available in '9.5 , '10.5 or '12 inch with various armtubes to match with your TeKaitora cartridge. This is one of the best tonearm on the market today, fully adjustable (azimuth and vta on the fly). 
I'd be inclined to look at a non-belt drive table if I was listening to piano.
Denon DP-80 in original or custom made plinth.
more info here

...add Reed 3p tonearm and you're done
Get a SOTA Sapphire and put your Origin live tonearm on it. SOTA will install it for your. Call and talk to Donna 608 538 3500