Turntable or go into SACD, Simon Yorke vs EMM Lab

I need some help here with a decision. I am deciding with futher upgrading my turntable or waiting longer & getting a SACD player (probably EMM unless anyone heard something better or close).
I currently have a Nottingham Hyperspace, wave mechanic,, and a SME V w. Koetsu Urushi. My other front end is the Audio Aero Cap. II. I am able to get a great deal on a Simon Yorke with all the extras. I can't figure out if I should upgrade or wait & eventually go SACD. I currently own only about 200 great records and about 800 OK ones. So whatever I buy will probably be available in one format or the other since I find CD OK but not great. Anythought or opinions is appreciated.

Showing 1 response by gregm

IF you're considering a no/minimum-maintenance high quality TT as a "final" purchase, then go for the S Yorke. I recommend the purchase ONLY if it's the last TT you'll get (I've had one for years).
Otherwise, just hit the record stores for some new music. At the end of the day, that's what pays off the best:)