Turntable Recommendation for Beginner

I want to get into Analog by starting with a nice turntable and phono pre. I have not had a turntable since I was in high school in the 80's. I know very little about what is out there now. The rest of my system is all Audio Research with B&W 801's , Transparent and Shunyata cables etc... so I would like for my turntable to be of similar level.
Thank you
The whole Kuzma package is a beauty. It must give you a lot of pleasure to look at it while it makes beautiful music. The 4Point is definitely up there with the top Tri-Planar and Graham. If I recall correctly, Fremer thinks it beats the top Graham and the Cobra on his Continuum turntable. I think it's great idea to complement the XL with the 4Point.

Thank you for your contact information. I'll forward mine directly.
Classic 2 plus an OC9 would work well. Properly set up, it would perform very well. I've heard an OC9 in a Classic 2 and 3. It's a very good match. Classic 2 to make VTA adjustment easy.

Should have some kind of hi-gain mc phono stage if one isn't built into that ARC preamp.
Hello and thank you for all the responses. It is strange to me as I know a great deal about audio (I am a audio engineer as a profession) and have bought and traded my gear around to the point of where I am very happy with it. But I know nothing about turntables, and all that goes with them such as tone arms, cartridges, and phono pre amps! I would like to "start" with a simple one that can be "plug and play" but also could allow me upgrade parts (such as the cartridge ) as I learn more about them. I don't want to buy the "last one" now but more like one that would be fun for a year or so.

And my pre-amp does not have a phono pre so I will need to get that too, I have considered the ARC PH-3 or older, but open for any suggestions.
And if interested my other gear is:

B&W 801 (the old ones! )
Transparent Ultra Bal interconnects
Shunyata Power cables
Shunyata Hydra

Thank you,

There will be a 10% increase on the Zesto Audio Andros PS1 in September, although their tubed pre amp will remain at the same price.
Thanks Moon, I ain't in the market. Just bought an Allnic H3000 and couldn't be happier.