You’ve claimed that " belt creep does exist and it is measurable." That’s another rather odd claim. How have you measured this phenomenon?
Are you denying that belt creep exists? That’s not only an odd claim, it’s counterfactual. Without belt creep, elastic belt drives could not transmit torque to the platter; it is undesirable, but necessary for these systems to work.
AC synch motors operate at 2 different speeds: 100.00% of rated speed determined solely by the drive frequency or 0% when the cogging torque is exceeded and the motor stalls. There is nothing in between. If you even lightly touch the platter while it is moving, it will drop in speed, yet the motor maintains its speed at 100%. How do you account for that if there is no belt creep, a phenomenon that is well documented in physics?
It’s trivial to measure the difference in platter speed caused by stylus drag (if you have the right equipment i.e. a tach with 3 decimals of resolution; a hand-held tach with 1 decimal is a poor indicator, strobe discs are even worse). The difference in drag at the beginning of a record is even different than when the stylus is closer to the spindle. Anything that creates drag on the platter, including changes in bearing friction, will increase the torque demand on the drive system, increase belt creep and reduce platter speed.
If I let the platter speed stabilize at 33 RPM for several hours where little or no correction is applied, switch to 45 RPM for even one side of an LP, then switch back to 33 RPM, the speed will be 0.15-0.2RPM higher while using the exact same frequency as when I left 33 RPM. The difference is due to changes in the belt and bearing.
I’d suggest you do a little more research before you decide to debate how these systems work. You seem to have little understanding of the physics involved, yet you "know" so much.