

Responses from phoenixengr

Does VPI ADS work with Basis Gold Debut?
@chayro - I closed down operations at the end of 2016 and have no intention of entering the market again.  I believe SOTA is working on resurrecting the Eagle, but I have no idea of the time frame or retail price if or when they decide to do it.  
Does VPI ADS work with Basis Gold Debut?
The ADS (Analog Door Stop) is not a good solution IMO.  The short term frequency fluctuations are actually worse than the average wall power and the long term speed drift because of temperature change within the enclosure is significant.  A used S... 
VPI 300 RPM vs 600 RPM Better?
Hurst motors are very inconsistent; some are quiet, some vibrate more, some start off quiet then get noisy.   If the motors are the same power rating, there should be no difference between 300 RPM and 600 RPM motors.  VPI used 10W 600 RPM motors... 
Weirdest record defect?
I bought an LP on e-Bay and it has a lot of WOW and flutter.  Any ideas as to why?  
Example of a piece o’ crap, useless review
@lewm  Agreed.  A constant cleaning device like you describe should only slightly slow the platter and the Condor would be able to compensate for it as long as it was applied before the speed is "synched" (less than 0.005 RPM error).  After that p... 
Example of a piece o’ crap, useless review
I agree with the OP that the TAS review lacks substance which is a real shame as there are technical specs in the Pyxi manual as well as several frequency response and noise plots that might put a little more meat on the bones of this review.   ... 
Example of a piece o’ crap, useless review
@lewm wrote: Also, "I did notice that a record brush slows everything down considerably, which was a minor annoyance." That ought not to be happening with the Roadrunner/Condor/Eclipse motor system up and running. Something is off.   This is... 
Example of a piece o’ crap, useless review
@soix - Really, Part Time Audiophile as an example of good reviews? Their stated policy is to NOT publish a bad review. The puff pieces I’ve read on their site goes far beyond hagiography and would make even the most shameless fan boys blush. No m... 
SUT - electrical theory and practical experience
@rauliruegas  My point about the specified impedance along with the output voltage was to make the necessary gain calculations easier.  In your Lyra example, using a 10 Ohm load with a 7 Ohm impedance cart will drop the output level by 4.6dB, whi... 
SUT - electrical theory and practical experience
Some observations: I always found the specs for a cartridge confusing: 0.25mV output at 5 cm/second.  Into which load?  Open circuit?  Load=Cart impedance?  Load=recommended impedance?  Why not state the output voltage and the impedance at which ... 
Widow with question: Rega TT-PSU or Rega Neo TT-PSU?
The picture you posted is the Neo and it is newer than the TT-PSU-2.   There is an on-line resource that will explain the differences and list price of each unit: http://www.turntablepsu.com/rega.html    
Is the VPI Forum Down Again?
There may be another motive for shutting down the original forum:  Mat and Harry posted numerous times eschewing any sort of digital electronics, digital readouts, closed loop feedback, tachometers, speed correction and BLDC motors.  Two years ago... 
TT speed
Perform the demonstration in the last paragraph of my previous post.  Keep the platter stationary and move the stylus from the outer groove to the inner groove area and measure the distance from the stylus to the tape when located at the inner gro... 
TT speed
The OP is correct and his numbers are spot on target. The math to prove it is not difficult. If the position of the cartridge changes by 20° from beginning to end of the LP, it will lengthen the time of the play back by 100mS: 20°/360°=1/18th of ... 
Possibly Dumb Question re:Battery as a power supply
The LM317 has a drop out voltage of ~3V, so I doubt it regulates the battery output to the table. NiMH batteries need to be charged at 1C and negative delta V slope detection, thus the higher voltage input, the PIC processor and complex charging c...