Tweeter life

My guess is after 10 yrs, best to buy new ones.
I have some 17 yr old Millennial tweeters, 1 has gone bad, the other on the way out.
I got some good years out that tweet. My suggestion/advice is this< If the tweeter is over 10 yrs and has served well, do not buy replacement voice coils for $50 each,,Go ahead and buy brand new tweeters. 
The Excel midwoofers are working as new.
Its the tweeters which take a  beating, as the components are delicate and sensitive.
This is my advice, 

Showing 3 responses by mozartfan

I just googled *do magnets lose power over time*, Yes overa  long period of time magnets lose some power.
Of course the Millenniums use the high tech Neodynum Magnet system , which is far superior to ferro fluid magnet system. 
If they’re working well, why replace them at all?

Well thats what Richard Gray told me, when i asked him 2 months ago,, he said Quote<< do they produce sound?>> *Yes* , <<Then they are ok>> Now after the tweets are on his test equipment,,he says,, **they are out of balance* = perhaps its time for new tweets, @ $350 each,, well, they are 17 yrs old,, but for 10 yrs i had no sound system as i could not finda line stage preamp to mmatch the Defy7,, So lets just say, with new xovers,, why not replace the Millennials. ?? uh? why not? anyone care to dispute,, the old ones with new voice coil diaphrams will go up for sale on ebay.
Who know they may sound close/same to old ones.. I just don’t know.. But again its time after 17 yrs to go ahead and replace,, This way, I will never have to worry about changing the Millenniums ever again.
New Orleans
The Audiophile Mountaineer.
I havea  set on the way,, Tech geek says mine are slightly unbalanced = a  bit worn,, Am selling the pair for,,ohhh $300, half price.