Two 210 x 2 amps or One 500 x 2 amp.....

Running Aerial 10Ts, in NEED of ALOT of power, better off running 2 amps that are 210 x 2 (one for each speaker) or the same amp, same manufacturer but a single 500 x 2 amp?

This question is a GENERAL question not specific to my gear.

That said, I am currently using a Citation 7.1 amp, a 4 channel 210 x 4 amp, and though about moving to a Parasound HCA-3500, 500 x 2.

Ag insider logo xs@2xporschecab
S7horton, Of course you are absolutey correct. My apologies
to all concerned. That is exactly what I meant post.
Thanks to all responding. I spoke with Mike Kelly at Aerial today, and he felt that a single 2 channel amp, the 500 x 2 version would be better suited at loud volumes because there is just so much more power to go to the subs when it needs the pull.

Makes sense to me....

Your thoughts?

It's entirely possible and the manufacturer should know. On the other hand I would never give up my vertical biamp setup! :-)
I agree with Dan. Two Classe CA-150's in mono definitly outperforms many single amp set-ups. It's in the seperate power supplies. (Classe rep. made that clear also). I have tried a HCA-3500 and a CAP-151 in bi-mode per channel and could not match the prior set-up mentioned.
I KNOW that two McCormack DNA 0.5s (100 wpc each) biamping my speakers (Vandy 3Asigs) sounds way better than 1 DNA-1 (185 wpc). You might try horizontal bi-amping if the issue is the demands of the subs.