Two 210 x 2 amps or One 500 x 2 amp.....

Running Aerial 10Ts, in NEED of ALOT of power, better off running 2 amps that are 210 x 2 (one for each speaker) or the same amp, same manufacturer but a single 500 x 2 amp?

This question is a GENERAL question not specific to my gear.

That said, I am currently using a Citation 7.1 amp, a 4 channel 210 x 4 amp, and though about moving to a Parasound HCA-3500, 500 x 2.

Ag insider logo xs@2xporschecab
It's entirely possible and the manufacturer should know. On the other hand I would never give up my vertical biamp setup! :-)
I agree with Dan. Two Classe CA-150's in mono definitly outperforms many single amp set-ups. It's in the seperate power supplies. (Classe rep. made that clear also). I have tried a HCA-3500 and a CAP-151 in bi-mode per channel and could not match the prior set-up mentioned.
I KNOW that two McCormack DNA 0.5s (100 wpc each) biamping my speakers (Vandy 3Asigs) sounds way better than 1 DNA-1 (185 wpc). You might try horizontal bi-amping if the issue is the demands of the subs.