Two preamps in your system

Has anyone ever experimented using two preamps simultaneously in a system? Say tubes on top and ss on the bottom?
I have a dbx BX-3 power amp (early 80's) that has a hook-up diagram for a "dual 2 channel system" Two pre-amps, up to eight speakers. I've never done it, but a friend who did, used it basically as you would a modern day second zone. One pre-amp controlled the stuff in the family room (four speakers), and the other controlled a dedicated listening room (two speakers). Didn't lose anything on either system, of course both pre-amps were the same, dbx CX-3's.
I would think this would be an expensive option. And to match up SS and tube preamps, not to mention features like volume control designs, for a cohesive presentation would be a challenge. If you're using one amp then you would presumably have to match impedances.
If your shopping I would not say go that route.If you have extra gear lying about which is orphaned from systems due flaw here or there then get to experimenting.I had an Adcom 565(crummy top end decent below)Audio Alchemy DLC(nice top loose bottom)fed a Nad cdp to the DLC and from it to an Amp whose strength was top end and imaging(biased class "A" to several watts)then fed other pair outs to the 565 and from the 565 to amp which had better low end attributes.It took some tweaking cables but that secondary system rivals the main in some areas.The DlC being remote drives the 565 level as well and I just found volume setting on the 565 so low end and high match up.I get funny looks until guests hear it.Maybe luck played some part understanding the disparate components would essentially "see different". Short cabling was used from DLC to 565 to amp.
05-17-04: Mitch4t wrote: "I'm not trying to achieve anything....just wondering if anyone had tried it. I understand that it's basic human nature to be skeptical of things out of the norm....I'm sure the guys that first proposed bi-amping were met with skepticism also."

And many of us retain a healthy skepticism of it.
Ok, confession time for me. I have been thinking of by- amping, and using 2 pre amps (one for ea.amp). This, instead of ripping out the crossovers. Is this what what you were thinking of ,Mitch????