Philefreak ; very informative , I was not aware of that ! Just for my info , can you list some common examples of pentode tubes and triode tubes ?
Man I love this forum !
Tvad ; the two integrated amps were used in exactly the same conditions .
If you have heard the Cary SLi-80 you will know what the Cayin sounds like . I A/B'd them and could not justify the added exspense of the Cary . I am relatively new at this but would describe that sound as traditional tube . Warm mids and rolled off at the extremes . Given that Cayin outsources their parts to the cheapest bidder , it is quite possible for one batch to have a slightly different sound than another batch due to the varying components used .
The Prima Luna , on the other hand , has much better extension especially in the high end . The lows are a little better and the mids are not nearly as warm . The P.L. also shows more detail with a greater amount of air and resolution .
I would really like to get the warm mids of the Cayin incorporated into the P.L. , kind of like the best of both worlds !
I intend to call K. Deal to see if that can be accomplished by rolling some different tubes . I don't want to loose any of the other attributes though .
I hope that this helps .