Ultrasonic cleaning

How many of you are ultrasonic cleaning your records and what solution are you using? I have a Kirmuss ultrasonic machine and I am currently using Tergikleen solution with distilled water. Have some Audio Intelligence ultrasonic solution on order to try. I can tell a big difference with noisy records lowering the noise floor. 


We would all do well to read and reread @whart ​​​​@antinn posts and of course tge much and ongoing revisions to the source document they author   publish. Many thanks kind sirs !

i use a Degritter with supplied fluid and distilled water w aggressive water change schedule….my next step is a positive pressure satellite grade clean room… 



If you compare the two SDSs between Trition X-100  TRITON™ X-100 Surfactant | Dow Inc. and Kodak Photoflo \14315sfp-1msdgenfilesarchivessds_usdefault�07903.pdf (lps.org), the CAS #’s are the same, so that adding Photoflo with Trition X-100 is not much benefit; especially considering that the Photoflo is diluted to 5-10%. Your Trition X-100 concentration of 3-ml/gal will get about 0.08% (+~800-ppm) which is more than enough (~4X the CMC) to get the wetting and all the detergency that Trition X100 can give.

Your 4-ounces of 91% IPA will give you about 2.8% which is a good concentration and can be complimentary with the Triton X-100.

The 0.1-rpm can be too slow for some powerful machines. It can depending on the tank depth, place the record very close to the transducers for too long a period of time which may produce record surface damage - its variable since the record vinyl formulation does vary. But for your Vevor machine it’s obviously not a problem (damage can sometimes be seen as a dulling of the surface).

Ultrasonic and then a Nitty Gritty for me.  Great results without having to wait for drying.

I am only struck by the huge difference in recommended concentration of IPA (in the case of Neil’s recommendation) or Ethanol (according to Wizzzard). 2.5% IPA vs 22% EtOH. Somewhere way back when I picked up the idea to use 25% of 99% IPA in distilled water, plus Triton X100. (This was also before I read about Tergitols.) I have no evidence that 25% IPA causes any harm (using a VPI HW17 vacuum RCM). But it would be cheaper to cut back on the IPA, if 2.5% is just as effective. For now, I will stick with TX100, because I have a large supply of it. In any case, I always rinse with pure distilled water after vacuum removal of the wash solution, then vacuum off the rinse water.  That step does make an audible difference for the better.