Ultrasonic record cleaners

I have a modest lp collection, mixed bag of original college age purchases, used records before the current renewed interest, and some newer albums to replace some older issues from the p mount needle days.  Have a vpi 16 machine and audio intelligent form 6 fluid. I’m not finding a significant improvement on my noisier issues.  The price of ultrasonic cleaners have come down to a price I would consider.  Appreciate the experiences of those who have purchased the ultrasonic machines, are they superior to my vpi and are the less expensive models effective?



Showing 3 responses by rvillanova

@livin_262002 I have the Kirmuss as well and I'm wondering if you could share with me your recipe for your cleaning solution using Triton X-100 and 91% Iso.

I have a Kirmus ultrasonic, and it's changed records I've gotten from various sources, from unplayable to sounding as if I just opened it brand new. But, and this could be a deal braker, it does take about 8 mis per record to get those results. I do not buy into the Kirmus "official" way to clean but a more modified way that sounds just as good.